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Fri, 07 Jan


Online Event


An updated public awareness campaign called Mentoring Amplifies has been released by Mentor Mentee Channel in collaboration with Venezuela Student Assistance (VSA)

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Time & Location

07 Jan 2022, 12:00 am – 29 Jan 2022, 12:00 am

Online Event

About the event

An updated public awareness campaign called Mentoring Amplifies has been released by Mentor Mentee Channel in collaboration with Venezuela Student Assistance (VSA). The campaign aims to highlight the value of connections, especially at this time when loneliness is on the rise, and to promote a positive narrative surrounding mentoring while also addressing typical challenges to being a mentor. The images, which include a variety of actual mentor and mentee matches, are purposefully vibrant and lively in order to convey the strength and beneficial effects of a mentoring relationship. Four calls to action are at the heart of this campaign, which was created to be relevant to the mentoring community as a whole: 

 • Become a Mentor

 • Donate to the mentoring community

 • Promote mentoring 

 • Share a mentoring success story.

How You Can Engage 

National Mentoring Month (NMM), a time of movement growth through public awareness, advocacy, and storytelling, was the intended timing for the launch of the Mentoring Amplifies Campaign, which took place on January 4. 

Be sure to bear in mind these four crucial dates when communicating in January: 

• I Am a Mentor Day (1/7) 

• International Mentoring Day (1/17) 

• Dr. MLK Jr. Day of Service (1/18) 

• Thank Your Mentor Day (1/29) 

We've developed a Digital Engagement toolkit with sample social media message, suggestions for interaction, and a ton of fascinating digital assets that can be used throughout National Mentoring Month and beyond to make this campaign more approachable.

 We have been hard-working at creating an exciting premiere for Mentoring Amplifies that follows a mentor and his mentee as they interact, learn from one another, and develop as people. This is in addition to all of the tools mentioned above. The film emphasizes the importance of connections and makes use of the campaign's vibrant imagery.

 We ask that you share these materials on social media and urge you to interact with additional Mentoring Amplifies materials that are published all year long. Please use the hashtag #MentoringAmplifies anytime uploading content so that we may share it with our audiences and advance the discourse. Our goal is to build a robust mentoring community. 

Throughout National Mentoring Month and beyond, we look forward to interacting with you!

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