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Workplace Mentoring
Workplace Mentoring

Mon, 18 July



Workplace Mentoring

July 18, 2022, as part of National Mentor Month

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Time & Location

18 July 2022, 7:00 pm


About the event

Workplace Mentoring

July 18, 2022, as part of National Mentor Month When people are struggling in their academics or perhaps even their personal lives, mentors can be that rock, that person who helps them overcome their obstacles, and makes them become a thriving, successful person. "Mentors make me feel connected to my community. They gave me confidence to try new things.” Sharing from a participant in our occupational mentoring program.

To help our country's young people find jobs that are more diverse and equitable, MM Channel has started a comprehensive workforce development campaign. MM Channel launched a comprehensive workforce development campaign this month to create more diverse and equitable workplaces for our nation’s young people. Pairing social and economic capital through relationship-centered workplaces drives the diversity and inclusion necessary for more dynamic and successful organizations. 

 With the aid of this strategy, companies may widen doors and young workers can make the most of their backgrounds, skills, and abilities. According to research, workplace mentoring is essential for keeping young workers and advancing their careers. Almost 90% of young adults who had mentors at work stayed in their positions for longer than 90 days, according to a recent MM Channel study of mentoring relationships in workplace settings for young adults. The same study also found that 72% of participants felt their mentors had helped them decide the next steps in their career or educational journey.

Individuals who enroll in the occupational mentoring program have access to free tools for workplace equity, such as the Workplace Mentoring Supplement to the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring and a seminar that teaches adults how to interact with young people more effectively.

The campaign also highlights partners across sectors who embody mentoring mindsets that support young people, as well as individual stories about the power of mentoring and the impact it has on people's lives. Supporters commit to taking action by urging congressional representatives to support the Youth Workforce Readiness Act, watching MM Channel's training on bringing a mentoring mindset to the workplace, or exploring MM Channel's newest resource.  We hope you can find your perfect mentor in our Workplace Mentoring program.

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